Examining the power of drawing and color with a therapeutic focus. Exploring the family dynamics with art.
He is a deeply committed and very experienced practicing artist and international art educator. Bruce obtained an advanced degree in drawing and painting in London, England and a further degree in Art Education at the University of Wales U.K. Bruce has exhibited widely and taught visual art at several major international schools around the world. Bruce is a veteran teacher in IB Diploma Program visual arts.
BCAC was founded by Bruce Sherratt.
At BCAC there are classes that combine visual expressive arts with, for instance, creative writing, yoga, meditation, making ceremonial offerings and healing or therapeutic massage. In addition to the instruction given by me, participants also have the chance to work with Balinese artists based here at the center.
Underpinning our philosophy and approach is the firm belief that art is available to everyone; that you need no special talent or gift to create art, and that the creative process depends on learning and practicing a series of skills that, given the right circumstances, are accessible to everyone. The idea that creating excellent, worthwhile art is possible only for a gifted few is a myth that is turned on it’s head every day at BCAC. Here, everyone succeeds.
Art Appreciation
In addition to acquiring hands-on creative skills, the experiences offered at BCAC lead to a deep appreciation and understanding of the visual arts in general. Participants of all ages discover, not just more about themselves, they also become more receptive to various kinds of art. After deeply submerging themselves in an intensely artistic environment and culture, participants invariablyappreciate art more deeply and fully. Appreciating art is not necessarily the same as liking art however. It has more to do with understanding art. Participants at BCAC grow to appreciate a wide range of artistic expression and the place of art in the context of history and culture.
The Courses
The experiences presented to participants include:
Rudolf Steiner’s Colour Theory and the Creative Power Color is studied from the perspective of Rudolf Steiner’s color theory. Through a series of exercises carried out in various media participants learn to submerge their own ego and identity in specific colors and color harmonies. This leads to a greatly enhanced sensitivity to color and a dramatic increase in technical and artistic skills. Participants rapidly discover that they can create extraordinarily creative and original art of their own.
The Power of Abstraction
The business of drawing real things as they appear is a major challenge for most people. Many think they can never master this skill, mainly due to bad teaching and an educational system that does not value or effectively promote this ability. A great many people lack confidence or the will to even try, due to a negative self-assessment that has been with them since childhood. The abstract realm of none representational art offers a visual language that is immediately available to all. Using media such as charcoal, pastels, inks and paint participants acquire the skills needed to express a range of themes, sensations, natural phenomena, truths and emotions through an abstract visual language that transcends national and cultural identities and boundaries. Such experiences are presented in a Balinese context. In addition to course presentations, gallery and studio visits ensure participants gain a deep appreciation of contemporary Balinese abstract painting and sculpture and their relation to Balinese traditions and beliefs.
Realistic Drawing - Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
Betty Edwards’ revolutionary brain research has given us a logical, step-by-step method that makes drawing available to all. ”If we can see we can draw.” That is the only requirement. Betty Edwards’ ‘right side of brain’ approach to drawing takes us through a series of experiences leading to alternative ways of looking at objects. These strategies for seeing things as they really are lead invariably to increased drawing skills. You will learn about realism in the Balinese art historical context, visiting the two major museums in Ubud. Here you will witness outstanding examples of drawings and paintings by the first, mainly realist and impressionist European artists to settle in Bali. You’ll discover the extraordinary influence these artists had on the development on contemporary Balinese painting, as well as the impact this exotic ‘Island of the Gods’ had on their work and lives.
BCAC currently offers two courses that can be taken for three university credits awarded by New York State University. These courses are available, not just to those seeking university credits but to anyone seeking a deeper involvement with artistic creativity and with Balinese culture
The Courses: Embracing the Spirit of Bali Through Creativity and Multiple Perspective Participants
In this course develop hands-on skills in painting and drawing with Balinese culture, aesthetics, and natural flora and fauna as the primary focus. The course also includes the study of Balinese history and beliefs within the context of Asian cultures and peoples. You will gain significant insights into Balinese culture and history, with particular emphasis on religious beliefs and aesthetics. Through this course you will appreciate Bali’s unique position within the context of South East Asia culturally, historically, and artistically while developing the skills and confidence needed to express your own thoughts and feelings inspired by Bali’s rich and unique culture.
Embracing the Spirit of Bali While Developing Artistic Creativity and Skills
This credit course is designed for those who specifically want to improve and develop skills in sketching, painting and drawing with Balinese culture, aesthetics and natural setting; the landscape and flora and fauna as the primary focus. To appreciate Balinese art one must understand the concept of Taksu, or spiritual charisma, and Sakti; magic. These concepts play a major part in Balinese culture and arts. The landscape and geography of the island deeply influence its culture and collective psyche. A balance of studio work done at BCAC, visits to museums, galleries, art villages, artist’s studios, lectures and group discussions is presented. These enable participants to develop their own creativity and skills while embracing the authentic spirit of Bali. This course is held during the annual Bali Arts Festival starting in mid-June. Participants attend a series performances and exhibitions, develop their individual creative potential and, as in all the courses at BCAC, learn a great deal about the Balinese way of life and the beliefs and superstitions of the Balinese. No previous artistic experience is necessary; the emphasis for is firmly placed on enjoyment, personal fulfillment and discovery. -Individuals who would like to unlock their hidden creative potential. Including those who may feel they have absolutely no artistic ability. In these courses, everyone succeeds.
-Corporate groups seeking opportunities for employees to develop their creativity, imagination and innovative potential. Artistic creativity can have a crossover effect enhancing and increasing creative initiative and effectiveness in other areas.